Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story

Chapter 1: The Way of the Rabb i


“to repeat” ( shanah ) meant also “to teach” (Metzger, The New Testament , p. 50).

4. Jesus differed in his teaching methods from his contemporaries in that he did not merely quote earlier scribes for proof, he taught “as one who had authority” himself, Matt. 7.28.

5. To love him is to obey his Word and to keep his commandments, John 14.21.

6. As Jesus’ first disciples were challenged to continue in and abide in his Word, so we today are commanded to let his Word dwell richly in us.

a. Like newborn babies we are to desire the pure milk of the Word that we might grow through it, 1 Pet. 2.2.

b. The Word of Christ should dwell richly in our hearts, Col. 3.16.

F. He commissioned them to reproduce his Word to the ends of the earth.

1. “Christian discipleship is a teacher-student relationship, based on the model of Christ and his disciples, in which the teacher reproduces the fullness of life he has in Christ in the student so well, that the student is able to train others to teach others” (Dr. Keith Phillips, The Making of a Disciple , Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1981, p. 15).

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