Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story
Chapter 3: New Beg i nn i ngs i n Chr i s t , Ser i es 1 65
• Do I understand what the Gospel is, what it means to be saved by grace through faith? Have I been regenerated by faith in Christ, and how do I know that I have been adopted into God’s family? • Do I have strong pastors who counsel, teach, and instruct me in the way of the Lord? Do I have other godly believers who know me well and challenge me in my walk with Christ? Am I currently a member of a small group who have befriended me and with whom I fellowship and worship regularly? • If there were three things I could do to strengthen my walk with Christ in the church where I am, what would they be? What is the Lord asking me to do today as I strive to please him in my own spiritual walk? Conclusion In order to experience new life in Jesus Christ, we must repent and believe the Gospel. Through faith in the risen Christ, God forgives us of our sin, causes us to be born anew by the Holy Spirit, and makes us members of his family. In obedience to Christ, we must be baptized, publicly confessing our faith in Christ in the congregation of believers. Now, as disciples of Christ and members of his body, we are to live as members of the Church, growing in Christ by walking with God, and sharing our faith with others. Looking Ahead In order to master the Bible, we must be able to understand the plan of God from Genesis to Revelation, and see how the Scriptures tell a single story of God’s love in Jesus Christ. In our next chapter, we will get the “big picture” of God’s drama, the story of God of salvation and deliverance through the work of Jesus of Nazareth!
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