Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story

Chapter 5 Living the Christ Life Series 3

Objectives Welcome to Chapter 5, Living the Christ Life – Participating in Jesus’ Story, Series 3 . This study concentrates on the victory God has won for his creation through Jesus’ incarnation, death, resurrection, and exaltation to the Father’s throne. Now as his followers, we worship him, shouting “ Christus Victor! ” (“To Christ the Victory!”). After your reading, study, discussion, and application of the materials in this chapter, you will be able to: • Understand the Bible’s teaching on the Kingdom of God, and God’s purpose through Christ to defeat the powers of evil that have dominated his creation. • Explain how a mastery of the Bible is impossible without a thorough knowledge of the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth, and a faithful participation in it in the Church. • Demonstrate how God through Christ defeated death, sin, the Curse, and the devil through his matchless life, redemptive death, and glorious resurrection and ascension. • Recite and defend from Scripture how the goal of the Christian life is to live the Christ life, being conformed to his image in our conviction, character, and conduct. • Show how the New Testament outlines the life and ministry of Christ, and that the Church practices and celebrates that life and work through the Church Year. • Make commitments to follow Christ in faith and obedience as you learn more and more of Christ and the meaning of Christus Victor for your personal life. • Memorize and meditate on select texts summarizing the life, ministry, and hope of Christ, and use those texts in your personal meditation, worship, and witness.


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