Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story
Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y
Overview In this chapter we will first provide an introduction to the Kingdom of God, and see how Jesus’ coming into the world was God’s answer to put down evil once and for all in all the universe. We will then provide an overview of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ outlined in the New Testament, a history celebrated each year in the worship of the Church through the Church Year. Finally, we’ll look at some of the key implications of what it means to live the Christ life as his followers, both as disciples of Christ and as members of the Christian community. “Evil always looks stronger than good.” Some friends, discussing the sci-fi movie they had just watched together at the movie house, began to talk about the battle between good and evil in the world. “I don’t understand it,” said one friend, “but, I see it in nearly every movie I look at these days. Have you noticed how strong, powerful, even attractive evil is portrayed in most movies? Yeah, I know that it is evil, but the way the movie folk make it look is always stronger, cooler, and more hip than the good. Good guys are usually goofy, weak, chicken, and only win at the end. Evil seems to dominate everything, have all the power, bully everybody around throughout the whole show, and then, only at the very end, do they lose. That bugs me.” The other friend responded, “You know, you’re right! But, look around. Doesn’t it seem that people who don’t know God or believe in Christ have it ten times easier than Christians who are struggling just to get by! I’ve never understood it. Everything right seems to happen to people who don’t seem to care about the Lord at all, and Christians struggle all the time. It don’t seem fair!” What do you make of this discussion? Are the friends right about the way evil is portrayed in the world? What about the point of good always seeming to struggle while evil seems to walk on “easy street?” How would you explain this? “Why not just come and end it all right now?” In a Bible study of the grace of God, Gracie, a faithful member, opened up and shared her feelings about her cousin Larry, a soldier who was lost in battle in the Iraq war. “I know that the Lord is in control of all things, and I pray to him believing that in my heart. Contact
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