Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story
Chapter 5: L i v i ng the Chr i s t L i fe , Ser i es 3
J. Christ’s Hope: Season after Pentecost – soon, at God’s appointed time, the risen and ascended Lord will return to gather his Bride, the Church, and complete his work reigning as King forever.
1. The return of Jesus is for us the Blessed Hope, 1 Pet. 1.3-4; 1 Tim. 1.1.
2. We look for his bodily, visible return, John 14.1-3; Matt. 24.27.
3. He will come in power and glory with his angels, Mark 13.24-26; Luke 21.27-28.
4. He will be the Judge of all, 2 Cor. 5.10; John 5.21-23.
5. The exalted Lord will reign forever as King, Dan. 7.9-10; Ps. 45.6-7.
III. Make It Your Goal to Experience and Live the Christ Life.
A Christian is, in essence, somebody personally related to Jesus Christ. Christianity without Christ is a chest without a treasure, a frame without a portrait, a corpse without breath. Christ comes to each of us with an individual summons: ‘Come to me’, ‘Follow me’. And the Christian life begins as, however hesitantly and falteringly, we respond to his call. Then as we start following him, we discover to our increasing and delighted surprise, that a personal relationship to Christ is a many-sided, many-coloured, many-splendored thing. We find that he is our Mediator and our Foundation, our Life-giver and our Lord, the Secret and the Goal of our living, our Lover and our Model. Or, bringing together the prepositions we have been considering, we learn that to be a Christian is to live our lives through, on, in, under, with, unto, for and like Jesus Christ. Each preposition indicates a different kind of relationship, but in each case Christ himself is at the center, the symbol of Christ’s victory.
~ John Stott. Focus on Christ . New York: William Collins Publishers, 1979. p. 155.
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