Managing Projects for Ministry

134 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y

TUMI Project Checklist, Form 2, continued

Execution Phase 1. Create WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). 2. Meet with project team, review project tasks, timeframe, and specifications.

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3. Adjust and finalize WBS and send to team. 4. Commit project to God and commence plan.

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5. Appraise project (3x weekly), handle issues, adjust. 6. Review project (thru milestones) at scheduled dates. 7. Communicate progress with stakeholders. 8. Offer team members feedback on performance. 9. Host “pre-event” meeting, reviewing final steps with team, OR 9. Host deliverable review with team. 10. Make final adjustments to event or deliverable. 11. Complete project (host event or deliverable presented to stakeholder). 12. Wrap up, clean up, clear up project details. 13. Review project deliverables with stakeholders. 14. Evaluate project performance with team members. 15. Archive project paperwork, reports, submit receipts. 16. Disband team with thanks, praise, and celebrate a job well done!

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