Managing Projects for Ministry

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Minute-by-Minute Sample: TUMI Graduation, continued

6:47 p.m. Scripture Reading, Jerry (when Jerry finishes he walks down and Don comes back to podium) 6:50 p.m. Commencement Introduction, Don introduces Terry 6:50 p.m Beth/Lisa/Ryan – check headcount (more than 80?) 6:55 p.m. Commencement Address (25 minutes), Terry (Don comes back to podium when Terry is finished) 7:20 p.m. Comments about Certificates/Diplomas, Don 7:25 p.m. Awarding of Certificates, Don, Terry ~ Don invites Terry and students to stand, and Terry to join him in conferring certificates (and will ask the students to remain standing until all have received their Certificates/Diplomas) – ushers Robert and ? get up and move to places ~ As Don calls the name of the graduate, the graduate will exit their row on the right, and come up stairs on stage right (?/Usher) will be there to steady folk going up stairs, walk to Don and shake hands, walk to Terry (the standing graduates will all move over to the right one chair) ~ The graduate receives the Certificate from Terry; Terry moves student tassel from right to left and shakes hand and holds it while Carolyn will take photo ~ The graduate will then proceed to Robert (women) who will give his arm and help them down the stairs. The student will then go to row of standing graduates and stand in front of empty chair at end of row. ~ Don pray for all of the graduates (students still standing) ~ Don invites all to stand and join him in “The Solid Rock”. 7:40 p.m. Closing Song “The Solid Rock”, Barbara plays and leads (Don stays in front of podium) ~ All servers go to Commons to set out food, cut cake, and make punch: 2 bottles of gingerale to one container (half gallon) of Raspberry Sherbet ~ Ryan/Lisa go to TUMI and get wraps out of fridge – set both trays on serving table ~ Put out hot food, leave cords in Kitchen 7:45 p.m. Closing Remarks, Don (after closing remarks, introduce Jerry Willhite and ask him to come to the podium to give the Benediction ~ Carolyn move to the back to get pictures of graduates as they are recessing 7:47 p.m. Benediction, Jerry (after benediction Jerry invites everyone to stand for processional, refreshments in Commons) 7:47 p.m. Don looks are Barbara who will start playing “Holy, Holy, Holy” for recessional ~ Don leads out first, then Terry, followed by Jerry, Val, Meg, Penny, and Daren (all will go out into the Commons) ~ Music stops for a moment after recessional; then prelude (Barbara’s choice) ~ Carolyn take photos of graduates in Banner, pictures of the servers together, photos of each student holding their framed certificate, graduates and their families/friends, and reception

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