Managing Projects for Ministry

Append i x 157

The Art of Engagement, continued

Develop alternatives

• Don’t go with the first, most obvious answer.

Dream, get counsel.

• Be imaginative . “Make plans by seeking advice ; if you wage war, obtain guidance ” (Prov. 20.18).

Set priorities

Don’t just try all the alternatives.

• Be prudent . “A simple man believes anything , but a prudent man gives thought to his steps. A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it ” (Prov. 14.15; 22.3).

Make assignments

• Don’t leave people guessing about the specifics of their assignment: assign a date to a person .

• Be decisive. “. . . He gave me understanding in all the details of the plan . . . be strong and courageous and do the work” (1 Chron. 28.19-20).


Stop talking and start doing.

Focus on results, not methods.

• Be bold; innovate; “Give the boundaries in which people are free to live out their spiritual gift without asking for permission” (Bill Easum). • Colonel James Mrazek, The Art of Winning Wars , underscores the importance of creativity in warfare, “It is the leader’s creative idea which enables him to lead his men to the most significant victories.”

• Friction: things seldom go as planned.

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