Managing Projects for Ministry
160 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
The Art of Engagement, continued
WHAT Seek God for his vision What has, and is, taking place? Context What are the 3-5 most important things you value? Values What do you want to accomplish? Vision
HOW In the next 12 months, what are the main things you need to stress vision? Objectives
What measurable things must be accomplished under each objective? Goals
What specific steps must be assigned to a person to accomplish each goal? Assignments
• Contexts: personal, family, programs, life vision, projects, decision making
• Dimensions: leading a choir, leading a worship service, leading a cell group, planning COB II
Practical tools: ~ Many tools for complex projects including scheduling software ~ Most ministry tasks will not be that complex ~ Task List (blank, filled-in chart)
• Story of the wise man of influence who used wisdom in engagement
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