Managing Projects for Ministry

Append i x 161

Appendix 39 Getting a Good Team Rhythm Time Management and Ministry Stewardship Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

Basic Theological Assumptions

• The Kingdom of God is the framework of all ministry. • The Church is both foretaste and agent of the Kingdom of God. • Through our witness and actions we proclaim Christ’s reign through the Church to the world. • As a Team, we are to seek God’s face regarding our ministry endeavors and strive to accomplish them efficiently and excellently. • God desires his people to be wise in their proclamation of the Kingdom. I. Clarify Your Identity and Mission A. What is our ultimate purpose and identity? B. What are our key ministry areas (worship, witness, learning, mission, justice, service)? C. What are our ultimate commitments (to God in Christ, to Scripture, to the Church, to the world)? D. What are our ultimate convictions, ideals, and values? II. Understand Your Particular Field of Mission A. What is the history of our particular field of mission? B. For whom and to whom are our efforts directed? C. What are the critical needs, and how are they currently being met? D. What programs/activities currently exist to meet them? E. How effective have they been to alleviate these needs? F. What conditions currently demand attention or relief? III. Appraise Your Resources (Situational Analysis) A. What is the level of our commitment and burden to this need? B. Who is currently working on these problems or available to work (people and personnel)? C. What facilities, equipment, and materials do we have? Ministry Management Strategy

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