Managing Projects for Ministry

Append i x 175

Surveying Your Target Community, continued

g. How does the community celebrate major religious holidays/events/festivals? h. Who are the key religious figures in the community? What is the nature of the relationship and dialogue among them? i. What kind of missionizing and religious outreach activities are currently taking place within the community? j. To what degree is religious life and affiliation associated with cultural, racial, economic, or lifestyle lines of the greater secular community? k. What evidence exists to affirm or deny the community’s spiritual readiness and openness to the gospel? l. What opportunities exist for Christian care-givers to cooperate in their outreach and people-helping ministries within the community? m. How many Christian organizations are based and operate out of the community? What are they and what needs or problems do they seek to address? Who are the leaders of these various organizations? a. To what degree are the citizens aware or interested and informed of local, state, national or international events? b. What issues of neighboring communities are of central importance for the residence of your community? c. Comparatively speaking, what percentage of the city’s overall resources and goods are used by the residents within the community? d. What is the city’s overall perception of the life and potential of the community? e. What kind of partnerships and alliances exist between political and financial leaders of this community and leaders of other communities citywide? f. What issues are of special weight or importance in the community's involvement in city, state, and national issues? g. How have city policies directly influenced or shaped the ongoing life of the community in the last few years? h. Who are the key liasons or representatives of local or state governments assigned to the community? Where are city and state offices located within the community? 14. What Is the Community’s Awareness of the Larger Community of Which It Is a Part?

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