Managing Projects for Ministry
176 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
Surveying Your Target Community, continued
i. What organizations and institutions promote involvement in citizenship issues, political action, and education about national and world affairs? j. What interest groups from outside the community have fought for the allegiance of the residents within the community? How have these interest groups been able to shape and influence community opinion? k. What percentage of residents have been actively involved in civic affairs that are of importance to the overall community and city's welfare? What is the nature of their involvement and participation? l. How often do the leaders within the community interact with other community leaders regarding their needs, perceptions and concerns? 15. Who Is Meeting the Existing Needs of the Community? a. What are the key organizations and institutions at work in the community overall in meeting the community's most critical needs? b. In what ways are these groups currently cooperating to meet its needs? c. What is the current role of churches in this effort? d. Who are the key pastors, and what is their opinion as to the need for the church to be involved in community advancement? 16. What Is Our Christian Responsibility to Our Community? a. In light of the available information and resources at our disposal, what is our obligation to this community? b. What specific community ministry should our organization, congregation, or alliance explore further and undertake for the community in the immediate future?
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