Managing Projects for Ministry
18 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
6. Determine how long or what date you expect these to take place.
G. Establish clear priorities and select items for this year’s programming.
1. Does this goal relate to our ultimate purposes and objectives?
2. Of the important goals, which ones must be done immediately?
3. Of the important goals, which ones should be done sometime soon?
4. Which goals ought to be postponed for later consideration?
H. Determine specific plans and strategies to implement each goal.
1. Outline step-by-step strategies for each important goal.
2. What precisely are the steps and phases for this project?
3. What specific courses of action does this project require?
4. Who is responsible for this project (for what, for whom, to whom)?
5. What training will the participants require, and where will they obtain it?
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