Managing Projects for Ministry

Session 1: Defining the Nature of Project Management


3. SELECT new team members on the basis of their proven strengths and experience, and encourage them to employ these strengths so as to help us build our community and accomplish our task.

4. SOAR strategically by organizing our management focus on helping each team member to identify, concentrate upon, and grow personally and professionally in the area(s) of their strengths and burdens, while finding new ways to compensate for and manage our shared weaknesses.

5. Take concrete steps to enable each team member to SHARPEN their performance in the area of their greatest gifts and assets, giving more and more resources for personal development.

6. Acknowledge excellence as the sole STANDARD of all activities, events, and productions at the Institute; each item, from the smallest act to the largest project, should be done to the glory of God in Christ.

7. Make your commitment to offer the best in personal SERVICE, which is the cardinal virtue in your organi- zational culture. Serving others for the glory of God should be cultivated as an overarching motive that under- pins all you do as a team, not only to one another but to all stakeholders, friends, partners, and clients in every endeavor you undertake. 8. Define STEWARDSHIP of our ministry's resources as the process of authorizing our trusted and gifted people to freely deploy our goods in connection to our key operations and projects, consistent with their authority and duties, and our annual priorities and goals.

9. Promote innovation by allowing great flexibility in the SHAPE our enterprise takes, not only in the way our

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