Managing Projects for Ministry
20 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
K. Use information to set better goals, clearer priorities, and more effective strategies for next year.
III. Enterprise Project Management: Pursuing Excellence, Leveraging Opportunity
Prov. 19.21 – Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.
A. Various approaches to Project Management
1. Project management as an element in a matrix organizational environment (coordinating regular departments with ad-hoc teams for specific initiatives)
2. Project management as a strategy to operate an entire organization’s enterprise (its modus operandi )
B. Principles of Enterprise Project Management
1. SECURE understanding and commitment from all our team members regarding the mission, values, and purposes of our enterprise, who we are, why and for whom we exist, and the mandate we have to accomplish this task in light of the overall enterprise. 2. STRUCTURE our entire ministry around a well-designed, carefully administered portfolio of distinct projects, which are derived from a critical assessment of our current situation, values, and our decision to focus on key priorities and goals reflected in this year's annual budget process.
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