Managing Projects for Ministry

Session 2: The Constraints and Benefits of Project Management 37

A. Project management benefits ministry leadership .

1. Project management eliminates any kind of guesswork regarding the nature of ministry leadership.

a. Project management highlights the importance of defined roles, responsibilities, and processes (i.e., clearly outlined assignments, defined roles, negotiated budgets, time frames, deadlines, milestones, and end points).

b. Project leadership allows leaders to focus more on accomplishing results and less on arguing about politics and minutia.

2. Project management provides a field experiment for the testing of individuals for increased responsibility and leadership.

a. Emerging leaders can be given opportunities to serve and contribute to significant efforts before being assigned more delicate and expansive responsibilities.

b. Project management provides an avenue to giving ample room for them to learn leadership skills and experience in a real-time environment that you manage and control.

3. Project management allows for better communication, feedback, and assessment of both processes and results of ministry goals.

a. Project management enables leaders to manage a portfolio of projects that represent the central priorities of the church or organization; leaders

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