Managing Projects for Ministry

38 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y

are able to assign tasks and disperse resources in a more strategic way.

b. Projects allow for easy scanning and monitoring of numerous strategic efforts with minimal amounts of investment (the principle of the Vaudeville plate spinners: “Once a plate has been spun, it requires only a minimum amount of effort regularly to ensure its continued spinning”).

B. Project management benefits ministry team members.

1. Project management encourages team members to know their defined roles , and supports submission and team play.

a. Roles vary depending on project assignments and responsibilities.

b. Members can support one another without feeling the need to accomplish the entire project themselves.

2. Project management stimulates hybrid, cross-pollination for the sake of effectiveness of any given team.

a. Project management often creates synergy among and between members.

b. Members grow accustomed to one another’s strengths, and help us manage our weaknesses together.

3. Project management allows for a culture of freedom and integrity .

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