Managing Projects for Ministry
48 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
B. Your score!
1. How to score your answers. Tally your final score by the following grade credit guide:
a. Mostly = 3
b. Sometimes = 2
c. Seldom = 1
d. Never = 0
2. Grading scale
a. 36-30 . . . Project Manager Hero
b. 29-20 . . . Project Manager Wanna-be
c. 19-12 . . . Project Manager Rookie
d. 11-1 . . . . Project Manager Felon
e. 0 . . . . . . . Project Manager Neanderthal
3. Please Note: Felons and Neanderthals are now dismissed from this workshop. (You are beyond help!)
II. The Phases of Project Management
A. The Project Preparation Phase
The Project Preparation Phase stresses the drafting of a clear purpose, definition, and plan for the project. Under the oversight of a project manager, skilled and available individuals are brought together to become the project team, start the planning process, and lay the foundation for the project’s implementation.
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