Managing Projects for Ministry
52 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
1. Acknowledge the achievement of the project (i.e., the delivery of the product, service, report, prototype, event, experience, or whatever results the project sought to deliver).
2. Formally shut down the operations of the project (inform relevant vendors and support).
3. Wrap up, clean up, and clear up all related details, communications, and issues related to the project.
4. Dispose of and/or restock all surplus equipment, materials, and supplies associated with the project.
5. Review the project process with key stakeholders and leaders to gain acceptance of the end-product of the effort.
6. Evaluate the project experience with your team members and write a report. Review ought to include a summary of the team’s performance, the quality of the “deliverable,” things learned, and ways to improve it next time (if we ever choose to do it again).
7. Disband the team, release them from responsibilities, and thank them for their effort and contribution.
8. Archive all project materials, receipts, evaluations, paperwork, and report.
9. Find a way to reward and celebrate the project’s accomplishment with the team members.
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