Managing Projects for Ministry

64 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y

2. A single-day event

3. Designed to help the community know about your body, and give opportunity to share the Good News with your neighbors

4. Money to spend: $200.00

5. The members of your church are largely responsible for the event, but should feel free to recruit others to help.

6. Your pastor has placed your group in charge, and asked you to appoint a leader for the outreach session among yourselves to be his “point person.”

7. Use the tools and insights from the workshop to come up with a project plan that the pastor can approve.

8. Concentrate only on the Project Preparation phase in your thinking.

9. Begin with the cards to try to gain a holistic perspective on all that is involved in such an event, and arrange the ideas and data as outlined in the syllabus.

10. When you are finished, be prepared to share your Project Proposal with the workshop. (We’ll serve as the Pastor and either approve or disapprove your proposal!)

B. Lessons learned from your joint exercise

1. Discussion of the experience

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