Managing Projects for Ministry

70 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y

Project Management for Dummies , in chapter 17, outlines some of the critical questions, perspectives, and skills necessary to be a legitimate and effective project manager. The following questions, drawn from and adapted from the text, highlight some of final insights we hope to leave you with regarding project management leadership.

1. Why does this project need to be accomplished?

2. For whom and on behalf of what group would such a project be accomplished?

3. Very specifically, what is it that I believe God would have me to produce, provide, or accomplish in terms of outcomes with this project?

4. What are the constraints that I face in accomplishing this project – in other words, what will I need the Lord to provide to me as I engage this project?

5. What are my assumptions about this project that God needs to identify, bring out, and help me clarify as I consider leading this project?

6. What are the specific tasks that I will have to manage if this project is to be completed?

7. What is the best schedule to follow to coordinate the activities to accomplish these tasks in what we’re hoping to accomplish?

8. What are the team members that I should pray about and recruit to accomplish this project?

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