Managing Projects for Ministry
Session 5: Project Management Leadership, Final Insights, and Closing Dialogue 71
9. What resources will I need to trust God for in order to see this thing through to the end?
10. What kinds of things could go wrong and pose the greatest danger to the project’s success? How might I minimize their negative impact on the work?
B. The job of foreman (coordinate the effort to get the job done)
1. Play your position. Since you are the leader, act as if you are in charge and your demeanor will change.
2. Discipline yourself to run the plan – make this your first and primary priority. Separate the job of doing things from ensuring that the right things are being done.
3. Deal with conflicts and difficulties directly, compassionately, and fully.
4. Learn the art of being specific: about results, expectations, time frames, and levels of effort.
5. Get specific commitments from everyone you deal with regarding work promised.
6. Write down everything, and keep it organized.
7. Always emphasize the urgency, importance, and necessity of assignments, and prove it by following through on your own!
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