Mentor's Manual
102 For the Nex t Generat i on: The Urban Mi n i s t r y I ns t i tute ’ s Mentor Manua l
I. Before the Course Begins
A. Look over the Mentor’s Guide notes along with the lesson outlines in order to gain an understanding of the content that will be covered in the course ( Capstone ) OR the Course Syllabus which outlines the course objectives and require- ments for students ( Foundations ). B. Read and review the course’s resources carefully, familiarizing yourself with the content of the course’s materials, and how they are designed to work together in a particular classroom session (e.g. video, audio, PowerPoint, handouts, etc.).
C. Read any assigned readings associated with the curriculum, whether textbooks or handouts.
D. Review the key theological themes associated with the course by using Bible dictionaries, theological dictionaries, and commentaries to refresh your familiarity with major topics covered in the curriculum. E. Think about key questions and areas of ministry training that you would like to explore with students in light of the content that is being covered.
II. Before Each Lesson
A. Watch the video segment(s) for that class session that is found on the DVD (or listen to the audio for the course).
Leading a Capstone or
B. Create a Contact and Connection section for this lesson.
Foundations Class Session
C. Review and summarize the required text reading assignments due for this lesson segment. (Highlight the central principles and key points you intend to emphasize as you engage the materials in class.)
III. Preparing and Teaching the Contact Section
A. Review the Mentor’s Guide to understand the lesson objectives and gather ideas for possible Contact activities.
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