Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society

Ses s i on 1: Tra i n i ng Cros s -Cu l tura l Mi n i s ter s 23

III. Shift from Prosaic, Discursive Treatments on Theological Minutia to a Narratival Retelling and Embodiment of the Kingdom Story, with Christ as Center.

A. Theological Tenet: the biblical Story of Christ and his Kingdom, Matt.6.33

B. Paradigmatic Ramification: dramatic alteration of curricula and procedure regarding what constitutes legitimate theo logical maturity and leadership development; focus on the narrative of the story, with a concentration on the Christ event in light of the already/not yet Kingdom

C. Our Ministry Implication: TUMI builds its entire theological vision around the biblical theology of the Kingdom of God, and its meaning vis-a-vis the church and the world.

IV. Shift from External-to-the-Local-Church, Normally Academic and Professional Credential as the Confirming Sign of Church Office to Church Offices Given and Conferred through the Anointing and Gifting of the Spirit, Recognized in the Midst of the People of God.

A. Theological Tenet: gifted members of the people of God, anointed and gifted by the Spirit, confirmed and commis sioned by the church, 2 Tim. 1.6-14.

B. Paradigmatic Ramification: shifting from using academic, professional, and external criteria as the primary means of selecting church leaders to an understanding that church leaders must be set apart for their tasks and offices through an acknowledgment of their gifts of the Spirit and their testimony, confirmed through the consensus of the church and its leaders

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