Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society
Mi n i s t r y i n a Mu l t i -Cu l tura l and Unchur ched Soc i et y
C. Our Ministry Implication: TUMI exists to encourage and equip leaders who have been recognized in their congregations as gifted, anointed, and commissioned officers of their church.
V. Shift from Producing Trained Professionals to Equipping Ordinary Church Men and Women for the Work of the Ministry.
A. Theological Tenet: universal priesthood of all believers, Eph. 4.11-16
B. Paradigmatic Ramification: shifting from credentialing a class of professionals to training clergy to equip ordinary Christians for the work of the ministry using the Christ endowed gifts that have been distributed by the Holy Spirit
C. Our Ministry Implication: TUMI makes its materials available to any and all Christians in the city who sense God’s call to minister.
VI. Shift from Technical Expertise with Traditional Missional and Pastoral Materials and Procedures to an Awakening of the Empowering Presence of the Spirit in the Life of the Church.
A. Theological Tenet: the presence of the Holy Spirit as the arrabon (down payment and pledge) of the kingdom promise, Eph.1.13; 2 Cor. 1.20
B. Paradigmatic Ramification: awakening to the empowering presence and leading of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the church, become aware and sensitive to what he is doing both within (and desires to do without) the local church
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