Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society
Ses s i on 1: Tra i n i ng Cros s -Cu l tura l Mi n i s ter s 25
C. Our Ministry Implication: TUMI believes and seeks to express its confidence in the Holy Spirit as the all-sufficient guide for ministry display and development.
VII. Shift from Training Ministry Professionals to Manage Structures and Procedures to Identifying Gifted and Burdened Christians Who Can Be Equipped and Released to Fulfill the Ministries the Holy Spirit Has for Them to Do (Ministry Entrepreneurs).
A. Theological Tenet: the gifting and unction of the Spirit, 1 Cor. 12.1-27
B. Paradigmatic Ramification: concentration upon helping gifted and burdened Christians identify the place and opportunities for ministry that the Holy Spirit has called them to do, and commissioning and resourcing them to do it C. Our Ministry Implication: TUMI seeks to generate ministry entrepreneurs who, under the guidance of their spiritual leaders and the prompting of the Holy Spirit, will invest their lives and efforts in new and diverse ways of ministry, both in the church and to the world.
VIII. Shift from Expensive, Professional, Isolated-from-Ministry-Context Approach to Leadership Development to Affordable, Culturally Conducive Theological Mentoring in the Context of the Church and Ministry.
A. Theological Tenet: the universality of Jesus’ call and the ubiquity of the Holy Spirit, Rom. 12.3-8; 1 Pet. 4.10-11
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