Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society
Mi n i s t r y i n a Mu l t i -Cu l tura l and Unchur ched Soc i et y
B. Paradigmatic Ramification: focusing on reorienting both the venue and context of leadership development to make it affordable, meaningful, and grounded in the locale in which the Spirit has both called and resourced his leaders to function
C. Our Ministry Implication: TUMI seeks to provide excellent, affordable, and culturally sensitive training for urban church leaders in the context of their lives, equipping them to live and minister with integrity wherever God has called them.
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Multiplying laborers for the urban harvest calls for new paradigms of leadership development based upon fresh, open readings of the Scriptures on the poor. If the Church of Jesus Christ is to awaken to the marvelous and yet up-to-the-present wholly untapped resource of urban Christians and their ability to multiply ministry, men and women must commit to fresh, new readings of the Scripture regarding the poor, the city, the church, the kingdom, and other biblical themes which suggest that God has elected the poor to be heirs of the kingdom, and the barons of faith. Without these new perspectives anchored in the prophetic Scriptures, we will continue to believe that nothing profitable ever can emerge from the Nazareth of the present day, the inner cities of America.
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