Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society

Ses s i on 2: The Stor y of God


1. Completion of World Mission: the Evangelization of the World’s Ethnoi

2. The Apostasy of the Church

3. The Tribulation and Judgment on the World

4. The Parousia : the Second Coming of Jesus

5. The Reign of Jesus Christ on Earth

6. The Great White Throne and Lake of Fire

7. “For He Must Reign”: The Final Placement of All Enemies under Christ’s Feet

I. Beyond Time (Eternity Future)

1. The Creation of the New Heavens and Earth

2. The Descent of the New Jerusalem: the Abode of God Is among Humankind

3. The Second Adam, the New Humanity, and the Glorious Freedom of the Children of God

4. The Lord Christ Gives Over the Kingdom to God the Father

5. The Age to Come: The Triune God as all-in-all

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