Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society
Mi n i s t r y i n a Mu l t i -Cu l tura l and Unchur ched Soc i et y
III. “Thy Kingdom Come”: Living under God’s Reign in the Already/Not Yet Kingdom
A. The distinctiveness of Jesus’ gospel: “The Kingdom is at hand,” Mark 1.14-15
B. Jesus and the inauguration of the Age to Come into this present age
1. The coming of John the Baptist, Matt. 11.2-6
2. The inauguration of Jesus’ ministry Luke 4.16-21
3. The confrontation of Jesus with demonic forces, Luke 10.18ff.; 11.20
4. The teaching of Jesus and his claim of absolute authority on earth, Mark 2.1-12; Matt. 21.27; 28.18
C. “The Kingdom has come and the strong man is bound”: Matt. 12.28,29
1. The kingdom of God “has come” – ephtasen
2. The meaning of the Greek verb: proximity or actual presence
3. The invasion, entrance, manifestation of God’s kingly power
4. Jesus as the binder of the strong man
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