Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
M u l t i p l y i n g L a b o r e r s f o r t h e U r b a n H a r v e s t M u l t i p l y i n g L a b o r e r s f o r t h e U r b a n H a r v e s t
• World Impact was incorporated in March, 1971.
• By 1972, we had opened ministries in Los Angeles, Wichita, Portland, Omaha and San Diego.
• In 1975, Keith wrote They Dare to Love the Ghetto.
• In 1976, World Impact began ministries in St. Louis and Newark, and moved into our National Headquarters in Los Angeles. World Impact of Canada was incorporated.
• In 1977, our Fresno ministry began.
• In 1981, Morning Star Ranch inKansas established a two-year discipleship program for young men from the city. Keith wrote The Making of a Disciple. • In 1982, we opened the Los Angeles Christian Elementary School, which emphasizes academic competence, Christ-like character and self- confidence to prepare our students for a lifetime of discipleship.
• In 1984, we started Inner City Enterprises, a job-training program which taught young people how to work.
• In 1985, Keith wrote No Quick Fix. World Impact started the Newark Christian School and thrift stores in several cities (Sonshine Shops). In Newark, we renovated abandoned row-houses and rented them to families involved with our ministry. Later, many of those families bought these homes. • In 1986, the former-St. Louis YMCA building was remodeled into a Ministry Center with the help of thousands of volunteers and inner- city workers. An 11-acre, 88-unit apartment complex (The Village) was acquired in Wichita for use as a worship center and the Good Samaritan Clinic. We acquired a 172-acre camp, The Oaks, 65 miles north of Los Angeles and built a prayer chapel.
• In 1987, a 10,000-square-foot gymnasium was built for our Los Angeles ministry and Christian School.
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