Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

W o r l d I m p a c t , I n c . : O u r P a r e n t O r g a n i z a t i o n

• In 1988, Ministry Centers in Fresno and San Diego were acquired for worship and job training. Our Chester, Pennsylvania ministry opened. We acquired a school building in Chester to start the Frederick Douglass Christian School. We started Saturday-night Celebrations across the country for urban believers. Massive immigration took place in our cities during the 80s. Millions came in from Latin America and Asia. Our Los Angeles Celebration Church went from English speaking, to English and Spanish, to all Spanish. Fresno missionaries ministered to many Hmong, Vietnamese and Cambodians.

• The 1992 Los Angeles riot focused national attention on the inner city.

• In the 90s, we became a church-planting organization nationally. We trained other ministries to plant urban churches through The Crowns of Beauty Conferences, The School of Urban Church Planting and The Nehemiah Team.

• In 1991, we added a 30-acre camp north of Scranton, Pennsylvania, Harmony Heart.

• In 1992, we opened ministries in Oakland and San Jose.

• In 1993, we opened ministries in San Francisco and Detroit.

• In 1994, the Watts Christian School opened.

• In 1995, we opened the Frederick Douglass Christian School. Churches were planted in Los Angeles, Wichita and Newark. Deer Creek Christian Camp in the Colorado Rockies was acquired and became World Impact's fourth camping ministry.

We began The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) in Wichita, Kansas to provide theological education to urban leaders.

• In 1996, we celebrated our 25th year at Operation Jericho, a national staff conference on church planting. We began our Dallas ministry, published our Missionary Orientation Training Course for new staff orientation, and Keith wrote Out of Ashes .

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