Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
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Prospective Student Profile Our students are the primary reason we engage in leadership development activities at our Institute. We are seeking to equip leaders for the urban church, and multiply laborers for the urban harvest. Therefore, we must seek to identify those men and women called and gifted by God to lead in the body of Christ. All that we do, in one way or another, is dependent on God’s leading to us those men and women he has selected to build up his body in the city. The following is a suggested criteria you might want to use to select prospective students for your Institute. These are not intended to be woodenly applied, but are meant to be suggestive and helpful to you as you seek to identify those persons who can most benefit from your training. Please remember to seek the Lord at every step in your application and admissions process. Be reflective and prayerful as you assess your student applications and references, paying careful attention to the potential and promise of each one. Also, be mindful that every situation is different for each individual you consider, and that goals, priorities, and opportunities will vary greatly among your prospective students. 1. Your students should be committed Christians who are faithful members of their local churches, and who submit to the pastoral leadership of those churches. Our students should know Christ as Lord and Savior (see student application, Appendix 18.2.1), and be in good standing with and involved in a local congregation of believers. We also recommend that your students be known by the pastors or Christian leaders of their church and or organization, and receive their blessing and recommendation. From the beginning, identify your Institute as a leadership training school, and not primarily a Christian outreach center. 2. Your students should be involved in ministry, whether in the Church or community, with the knowledge and blessing of pastoral leadership. As a leadership training center and a school of ministry, you should give Criteria for Prospective Institute Students
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