Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
A p p e n d i x
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P r o s p e c t i v e S t u d e n t P r o f i l e
preference to those already actively involved in ministry, whether in the context of the local church, outreach, evangelism, discipling, missions, or other kinds of ministry opportunities. (See Pastor’s Reference Form, Appendix 18.2.2). 3. Your students should desire to make disciples in the urban context, especially among the unreached urban poor. A significant value in your Institute should be to raise up qualified spiritual laborers in significant numbers among the urban poor. Watch for potential students who share this vision. 4. Your students must be willing to study and prepare themselves for the work of the ministry. Attending school can be a challenge, and certainly will be for many urban Christian leaders who also work, in addition to ministering in the Church, and in outreach. Your students should be aware of the cost involved, and be willing to pay the necessary price to excel in their studies for Christ’s sake. 5. Your students must make themselves available to take your courses in the context of your learning groups . A central tenet of our training is the power of community learning, sharing, and ministry. Prospective students should understand and be willing to engage in the challenge and thrill of learning the Scriptures in the context of a small group, and be open to learning from others, as well as sharing their own experiences and ideas with others for their edification and growth. 6. Your students should have a passion for the harvest, with a strong commitment to train others, reproducing their training in the lives of others. Recruit students who not only want to enhance their own personal lives and ministries through your programming, but who also have a strong desire to give what they are receiving to others. This is the key to multiplying laborers, both in the Church as well as in mission.
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