Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

A p p e n d i x

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Registrar Process: Admitting and Registering Your Students

The following represents the suggested process for admitting and registering your students. It is of utmost importance that you decide upon and outline a standard procedure for your Institute and stick to it. It will be easy to compromise your process with shortcuts or an abundance of exceptions. By safeguarding your process you will better ensure that your students and the training they receive will not be jeopardized. 1. G ive Application and Pastor Reference form to potential student (Appendices 18.2.1 and 18.2.2). 2. R eceive Application from potential student and review. Create file for potential student. 3. Receive Pastor’s Reference Form. 4. B ased on potential student’s Application and Pastor’s Reference, determine if your Institute is the right place for this student. 5. Send “acceptance” or “rejection” letter (see Appendices 18.2.3 or 18.2.5). 6. I f student is accepted, create an official student file and place copy of accept- ance letter in student’s file. 7. P lace student’s name, address, and telephone number in your student database. 8. Assign the student a student number. 9. A dd student’s name to your financial record keeping structure (e.g. ledger, Quickbooks, etc.). 10. R egister student for upcoming course (place their name, address, and telephone number on a list for the course). 11. O rder textbooks required for your course via Amazon or your local bookstore (see Appendix 18.3). 12. I nvoice your students (see Appendix 18.4). Place a copy of the student’s in- voice in his or her file. The student can pay the first day of class or before. We strongly recommend that the students do not go into debt to take any courses. 13. S end confirmation letter to student ensuring their place in the course, and informing them of the course start date, tuition, fees, and book cost (see Appendix 18.2.4).

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