Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
W h y D e v e l o p E x t e n s i o n C e n t e r s f o r T h e o l o g i c a l E d u c a t i o n ?
It is essential that the Church in North America create innovative models of theological education to respond to these challenges. Practically, the evangelization of our urban cities depends on it. Theologically, faithfulness to God’s choosing of the poor as key leaders of faith (James 2.5) demands it. The Urban Ministry Institute The Urban Ministry Institute exists as a way of resourcing the vision of theological educators who are committed to finding new models for investing in the urban poor and those who minister among them. We are committed to creating materials, networks, and educational programs that will make that task easier and more effective. Because we are a part of an interdenominational missions agency (see Appendix 1) with a specific focus on the urban poor, we are in a unique position to focus on the issues of theological education through the lens of a missionary vision. We believe that The Urban Ministry Institute is best viewed not as the way to do theological education among the urban poor, but rather as a way of doing theological education that may serve as a resource and a springboard for continuing innovation by others who share our common task. Conclusion Extension seminaries, focused on the urban poor and adapted to the needs of Christian leaders in their ministry situations, are a key part of preparing the Church to fulfill its mission in the immediate future. The development, refinement, and proliferation of such centers for theological education deserves to be a high priority in the Church’s vision, strategizing and allocating resources for ministry.
Reference List, continued
Kolb, David A. 1984. Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
Snook, Stewart G. 1992. Developing Leaders Through Theological Education
by Extension . A BGC Monograph. Wheaton, IL: Billy Graham Center- Wheaton College.
Ward, Ted and Samuel F. Rowen. “The Significance of the Extension Seminary,” in Evangelical Missions Quarterly 9 , no. 1 (Fall 1972). Winter, Ralph D. 1969. “Theological Education in Historical Perspective,” in Theological Education by Extension , edited by Ralph D. Winter. South Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
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