Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
M u l t i p l y i n g L a b o r e r s f o r t h e U r b a n H a r v e s t
What Is a Satellite of The Urban Ministry Institute? Identifying and recruiting partners in ministry is the only option for us if we truly intend to plant churches among the unreached urban poor, and to equip godly men and women to serve the Church in the city. Partnership is a time- tested principle which leads to dramatic results. Its power has been seen in every endeavor where God’s people have sought to expand the Kingdom of God. The Lord God has made us partners with him as we serve as his very own ambassadors (2 Cor. 5.20). Rather than competing with each other, or even worse, ignoring the efforts of one another altogether, God desires that we join forces together in unity in order to mobilize his Church for evangelism, discipleship, and the growth of healthy congregations among the unreached urban poor (Phil. 1.27ff.). What an exciting, transforming vision! A “satellite” of the Institute is a sister ministry, whether located in a church, Christian organization, prison, or mission that meets our requirements to equip leaders for the urban church, especially among the poor, in order to advance the Kingdom of God in the city. A satellite is a partner, a group of Christians who have committed themselves to train leaders for the urban church, maintaining their own identity and independence, while taking advantage of our staff, curricula, and experience as we strive together to raise up faithful laborers for the harvest (Matt. 9.35-38). Our desire is to provide each satellite with the most affordable and excellent theological resources that we can, enabling you to create your own unique training program that best suits your students and ministry situation. We deeply believe in the Holy Spirit’s ability to raise up faithful men and women who can teach deserving urban students the Word of God, and prepare them for the ministry. Our desire is to find new ways to cooperate with you as you fulfill your burden and calling to equip urban Christian leaders to minister effectively in their congregations and communities. We do not wish to hinder or squelch your vision for leadership development. On the contrary, we stand ready and eager to do whatever we can to assist you as you provide ministry training for
A “satellite“ of the Institute is a sister ministry, whether located in a church, Christian organi-zation, prison, or mission that meets our requirements to equip leaders for the urban church, especially among the poor, in order to advance the Kingdom of God in the city. As an evangelical ministry dedicated to teaching the Word of God, we want to find other churches and Christian organizations who share our belief in its power to transform, and partner with them to equip others to minister the Word effectively wherever God leads them.
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