Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
M u l t i p l y i n g L a b o r e r s f o r t h e U r b a n H a r v e s t
Making the Case: Seven Solid Reasons Why Creating an Institute Makes Sense
To start a training center to develop godly men and women for the Church and the world is an important work. But is it worth all the time, effort, and resources? “Shouldn’t we leave such matters to the ‘experts’ and the ‘pros,‘ and concentrate simply on personal discipling alone?” “Aren‘t we going beyond ourselves to think we could start an Institute in our church, our neighborhood, our community, that could multiply laborers for the urban harvest field?” The answer to these and similar questions should be a clear “No!” There are wonderful reasons with solid biblical justification why starting an Institute can be profitable for the advance of the Kingdom of God in your community. 1. It will enable you to be strategic as you equip and empower leadership among the urban poor. Rather than haphazardly or sporadically investing in one here-and-there, an Institute will allow you to provide focused, sustained input to many emerging leaders. 2. It will help you support lay and pastoral leadership development in your community. Your Institute will be a place of refreshment and encouragement to the Christian leadership in your locale. 3. It will multiply laborers for urban mission among the unreached in your metropolitan community. God can use your Institute to raise up godly men and women who can disciple others through their local congregations. 4. It will enhance your ability to network with Christians, churches, and organizations in your city. You will form new friends as you coordinate with others who are committed to urban leadership through a dynamic training center.
There are wonderful reasons with solid biblical justification why starting an Institute can be profitable for the advance of the Kingdom of God in your community.
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