Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

M u l t i p l y i n g L a b o r e r s f o r t h e U r b a n H a r v e s t

What Is The Urban Ministry Institute?

Our Purpose The Urban Ministry Institute is a training institution that exists to equip leaders for the urban church, especially among the poor, in order to advance the Kingdom of God.

The Urban Ministry Institute is a non-denominational, evan- gelical training center for people who minister in and through the urban church.

Each part of this statement has profound importance to us.

To Equip Leaders Although we live in a culture where leaders are often openly disrespected and the very idea of leadership is sometimes seen as oppressive and restrictive, we believe that leaders are of fundamental importance in all of human life. Nowhere is this more important than in the life of God’s Church. The Urban Ministry Institute exists to equip leaders who are serving and investing in others. These leaders may be formal or informal, pastors or lay leaders, men or women. They may be mothers or fathers, evangelists, missionaries, Sunday School teachers, worship leaders or those who visit the sick. We are interested in anyone whom God has gifted and called to lead in his Church at any level of responsibility. For the Urban Church Believing strongly that effective ministry cannot take place apart from the body of Christ, The Urban Ministry Institute is committed to enriching the life and outreach of urban congregations and their servant-leaders. All of our programs and materials are designed to equip men and women effectively to serve in the context of a local assembly. Applicants must be actively participating in a church body in order to be considered for acceptance into our programs. Half of the people alive today live in cities, and that number is constantly grow- ing. This calls for a special focus on urban churches, especially in those areas which have historically been neglected, or have large concentrations of people who have not been reached with the Gospel of Christ.

We teach Bible, theology, and skills for mission and ministry.

We have on-site courses in Wichita, Kansas and distance training satellites throughout the country. We focus on developing lay and pastoral leaders who can effectively disciple others, especially among the urban poor.

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