Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
W h a t I s T h e U r b a n M i n i s t r y I n s t i t u t e ?
Especially among the Poor We believe that God has chosen those who are poor in the eyes of this world to be rich in faith and to inherit the Kingdom which he promised to those who love him (James 2.5). Whether you are rich, poor, or somewhere in between, we believe that Jesus has given all believers a theological mandate to prioritize the poor in their life and ministry. By the year 2025, one out of every three people on the planet will live in urban poverty. We believe that God is raising up leaders who will go to the unreached millions among the urban poor, both in America and around the world. More importantly, we believe that God is raising up dynamic leaders from among the urban poor who deserve access to quality theological education. If either of these descriptions applies to you, we are deeply interested in helping you prepare for leadership. In Order to Advance the Kingdom of God The Church of Jesus Christ is vitally important to God’s will because it is the agent of the Kingdom of God, charged to function as salt and light in the midst of a decaying and corrupt world. The freedom, wholeness, and justice of the Kingdom of God is to be embodied and proclaimed by the Church. A church community is responsible to show visibly what the “Rule of God” looks like when it is embraced by people who acknowledge Christ’s lordship. The Urban Ministry Institute is dedicated to helping churches make God’s reign visible in all dimen- sions of Christian community life, and in its ministry to the needy in the city.
Our Ministry Objectives
In light of these commitments, The Urban Ministry Institute embraces the following ministry objectives:
• To use distance education programming to equip urban Christian leaders who will evangelize and make disciples in urban America.
• To create a network of training centers in urban areas that can provide excellent and affordable ministry education that is sensitive to urban culture.
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