Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
M u l t i p l y i n g L a b o r e r s f o r t h e U r b a n H a r v e s t
The Process from A to Z: Fourteen Steps to Establishing Your Satellite of The Urban Ministry Institute
1. Set up an advisory board for your Institute. Any godly enterprise requires the input, counsel, and support of a number of resourceful Christians who can enable you to acquire what you need, and steer you toward your goals. Seek God regarding the men and women you might want to contact about service on your advisory board. If you already are a church or ministry organization with a solid board, you may wish to ask them for assistance in forming either another board, or serving as your advisory board for your Institute. 2. We strongly recommend that you adopt the name “The Urban Ministry Institute of [your city or church]”. ➢ Your association with our ministry and our parent organization, World Impact, Inc. , will help provide your enterprise an association with a well established, interdenominational Christian missions organization with over 30 years of experience in cross-cultural ministry to the urban poor. If another name is more appropriate to you, please submit it to us. 3. Adopt or amend our mission statement for your Institute (see Appendix 8). Your mission statement ought to capture in a single sentence exactly who you are–why your ministry exists and what you hope to accomplish. You should clearly articulate the doctrinal statement of your Institute, which must agree with the Affirmation of Faith of The Urban Ministry Institute (see Appendix 3). If you are affiliating with several denominations, you ought to draft a statement which asserts the essential core and historically orthodox positions while retaining your own distinctives. Your mission statement will be printed on most of your literature, so be bold, clear, and biblical. 4. Determine how you will organize and structure your Institute. As you prayerfully consider how you want to organize your Institute, consider the following options suggested by the ETA (Evangelical Training Association):
➢ If your proposed name is already taken, we will work with you until you find the name for your site.
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