Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
A p p e n d i x
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25 Ways to Raise Money and Awareness
Promotion is simply using every available means at your disposal to get out the word about your Institute. Pray that the Lord will open your eyes to the multitude of promotional opportunities available to you. 1. D esign an Institute logo that can be used on all your promotional materials and stationery. 2. D esign a flyer which can be used as a bulletin insert for use on Sunday mornings in cooperating churches. 3. O btain the mailing lists of all cooperating churches and use it to mail a basic brochure to all potential students. 4. R ecruit volunteers to help you call all of the people who have received a brochure about your Institute. Seek to enroll them over the phone. 5. P repare a brief news release to be sent to local newspapers. Provide them a photo of the Institute Site Coordinator or board (see Appendix 22.2). 6. I nform local Christian radio and television stations about your Institute. Offer the availability of the Institute Site Coordinator as a potential interview subject. 7. C ustomize a brochure for your Institute and distribute to interested parties. 8. T he director should call every pastor within 10 to 15 miles of your church and ask for an appointment when the program of your Institute can be discussed. 9. T he Site Coordinator should follow up every promotional appointment with a personal letter reemphasizing the important aspects of your Institute’s ministry. 10. T he Site Coordinator and board members should seek to line up as many church services as possible where a brief announcement can be given about your Institute during the service, literature can be made available, and questions can be answered from interested parties after the service. 11. P osters can be designed, printed, and distributed to local churches and businesses. 12. A sk your local Christian bookstore(s) if they will be willing to keep a supply of your Institute brochures next to the cash register.
This material was adapted from the Evangelical Training Association’s Developing A Dynamic Bible Institute. Wheaton, Illinois: Evangelical Training Association, 1997, p. 39
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