Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
A p p e n d i x
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2 5 W a y s t o R a i s e M o n e y a n d A w a r e n e s s
13. T he Site Coordinator and board members should go to individual adult Sunday School classes and announce the upcoming schedule for your Institute. 14. I f cooperating churches have a literature rack for newcomers, you can stock it with brochures about your Institute. 15. U tilize bulletin board space in cooperating churches to publicize your Institute. 16. D esign and buy ad space in your local newspaper. 17. W rite a “Public Service Announcement” and send it to local radio stations. 18. O ffer a husband and wife discount of some kind. You might waive the registration fee or discount the tuition for the spouse. 19. L ook for places where you can post flyers/announcements at no charge, such as a grocery store, laundromat, etc. 20. O nce your Institute starts operation, you can offer a financial incentive for your current students to recruit more students. For example, for every new student brought in, you might give your current student a 10% reduction in his/her tuition for the next term. 21. I f your town or city has para-church ministries, ask if you can post information about your Institute on the ministry bulletin board or publish it in the ministry newsletter. 22. I f you have a Christian grammar school or high school in your town, ask the principal if you can send home with the children information about your Institute. You can also ask if you can use or rent the school’s mailing list. 23. P ost information about your Institute at the local library if it is allowed. 24. I f someone in your church or school has video equipment, ask them to work with you to develop a promotional video for your Institute. Showing people is usually far better than just telling them. 25. S tart an Institute newsletter that is mailed to supporters, cooperating churches, students, and prospective students.
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