Our Sacred Roots: The Priesthood of All Believers

E astertide : T he R esurrection of C hrist


For Your Weekly Journey

Weekly Reflection on the Priesthood of All Believers Not only do the lost have no conscious demand for spiritual things, they are naturally antagonistic to them. The one who said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me,” is the very Christ they have turned their backs on and crucified. The sight of him condemns, and stings, and burns, and they have no natural desire to go where the one they have sinned against is the soul attraction. The heart of the unsaved person is in a state of enmity toward God. The things of the Spirit of God are “foolishness” to them. They are so naturally incapable of being attracted by the things of the Spirit—indeed, these things are so unattractive to them—that they prefer to stay as far away as possible from the place where these things are the central theme. Nothing short of a miracle can create in the lost a demand for what the church has to offer.

~ Roy J. Fish and J. E. Conant, Every Member Evangelism for Today. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1976. p. 60.

Let God Arise! Seasonal Focus He Is Not Here , Luke 24.1-12

Book Reading Fish and Conant, Every Member Evangelism for Today

Our Corporate Disciplines Concert of Prayer: Tuesday, April 26, 2022

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