Picturing Theology
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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Share the Same Divine Attributes and Works Supporting Scriptures Adapted from Edward Henry Bickersteth, The Trinity . Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1957. Rpt. 1980.
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
Attribute of God
Isa. 44.6; Rom. 16.26
John 8.58; Rev. 1.17-18
God Is Eternal (Deut. 33.27)
Heb. 9.14
Gen. 1.2; Pss. 33.6; 104.30; Job 33.4; John 7.38-39; Rom. 8.11 Isa. 40.13-14; 1 Cor. 2.10; John 16.15
God Created All Things (Rev. 4.11) and Is the Source of Life (Deut. 30.20)
Pss. 36.9; 100.3; 1 Cor. 8.6
John 1.3, 4; Col. 1.16
Isa. 46.9-10; Matt. 11.27; Heb. 4.13
God Is Incomprehensible (1 Tim. 6.16) and Omniscient (Jer. 16.17)
Matt. 11.27; John 21.17
Matt. 18.20; 28.20
God Is Omnipresent (Jer. 23.24)
Acts 17.27-28
Ps. 139.7-10
Zech. 4.6; Rom. 15.19; 1 Cor. 12.11
God Is Omnipotent (2 Chron. 20.6) and Sovereignly Acts as He Chooses (Job 42.2)
Luke 1.37; Eph. 1.11
John 14.14; Matt. 11.27
Ps. 34.8; John 7.28; 17.11, 25
John 14.6; 10.11; Acts 3.14
1 John 5.6; John 14.26; Ps. 143.10
God Is True, Holy, Righteous, and Good (Ps. 119)
God is the Source of Strength for His People (Exod. 15.2)
Ps. 18.32
Phil. 4.13
Eph. 3.16
God Alone Forgives and Cleanses from Sin (Pss. 51.7; 130.3-4)
1 Cor. 6.11; Heb. 9.14
Exod. 34.6-7
Mark 2.7-11
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