Picturing Theology
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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Share the Same Divine Attributes and Works (continued)
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
Attribute of God
God Gave Humanity the Divine Law Which Revealed His Character and Will (2 Tim. 3.16)
Ezek. 2.4; Isa. 40.8; Deut. 9.10
Matt. 24.35; John 5.39; Heb. 1.1-2
2 Sam. 23.2; 2 Pet. 1.21; Rom. 8.2
John 14.17; 1 Cor. 6.19; Eph. 2.22
God Dwells in and among the People Who Believe in Him (Isa. 57.15)
2 Cor. 6.16; 1 Cor. 14.25
Eph. 3.17; Matt. 18.20
Isa. 42.8; Ps. 47.2;
Matt. 12.31; Luke 1.35; 2 Cor. 3.18; 1 Pet. 4.14; John 4.24
God Is the Supreme, Highest Being Who Has No Equal, Who Reigns as Lord and King over All Creation, and Who Alone Is to Be Worshiped and Glorified
John 20.28-29; Rev. 17.14; Heb. 1.3, 6-8
1 Tim. 6.15; Matt. 4.10; Rev. 22.8-9
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