Picturing Theology

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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y

Keys to Bible Interpretation (continued)

• Meditate on the passage and the things you have learned from your study so far while asking the Holy Spirit to point out the specific applications of the truths discovered for yourself and those around you.

B. How is this passage “Good News” to me and others? • How does it reveal more about Jesus and his coming Kingdom? • How does it relate to God’s overall plan of salvation?

C. How should knowing the truth from this passage:

Affect my relationship with God? • Try to determine how the principles and examples from these Scriptures might help you to love and obey God more perfectly. Affect my relationships with others? • This includes my church family, my physical family, my co-workers, my friends, my neighbors, my enemies, strangers, and the poor or oppressed. Challenge beliefs, attitudes, and actions that my culture views as normal? • How must my thinking and acting be different from those in the world around me? D. Attempt to answer the questions “What am I to believe?” and “What am I to do?” now that I have studied this passage. • Do I need to repent from old ways of thinking and acting? • How can I act on this truth so that I become a wise person?

E. How can I share what I have learned with others in a way that draws attention to Christ and builds them up?

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