Picturing Theology

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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y

Kingdom of God Timeline Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

The “ malkuth ” of Yahweh, the “ basileia tou Theou .” First century Palestinian Jews saw God as King, of his people Israel and all the earth. Yet, due to the rebellion of humankind and Satan and his angels, God’s reign in the earth is yet future . It shall be: 1) nationalistic--the salvation and sovereignty of Israel over her enemies, 2) universal knowledge and reign of God, 3) tsidkenu (righteousness, justice) and shalom (peace), 4) obedience to the Law of God, 5) the final battle with the Gentile nations - Armageddon, 6) occur by a supernatural cataclysm realized at the end of time, 7) transformation of the heavens and earth to pre-Edenic splendor, 8) rule by the son of David-son of Man, 9) rescinding the effects of the curse, 10) the resurrection of the dead, 11) and judgment and destruction of all of God’s enemies - sin, death, evil, the “world,” the devil and his angels, and 12) eternal life. Jesus’ proclamation: The Kingdom of God has now appeared in the life, person, and ministry of Messiah Jesus. In Jesus’ words ( kerygma ), his deeds of compassion ( diakinia ), his miracles, his exorcisms of demons, his passion, death, and resurrection, and the sending of the Spirit, the promised-for Kingdom has come . The Kingdom is both present and future; he announces the presence of the future . Present kingdom blessings include 1) the Church as sign and foretaste, 2) the pledge of the Holy Spirit, 3) the forgiveness of sin, 4) the proclamation of the Kingdom worldwide, 5) reconciliation and peace with God, 6) the binding of Satan, with authority given to Christ’s disciples.

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