Picturing Theology

Chart of Biblical Studies (continued)

P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y 3 6 /

Type of Criticism

The Task in Bible Study

View of the Bible

Proof Level

Level of Criticism

What is Studied



Analyze the Church’s acceptance, view and use of the text

History of the Bible in ancient

Taking the community’s view of the Bible seriously

Tends to make the Bible merely a group book

Product of religious community

Canonical Criticism

Israel and the early Church (councils, conventions)



Intense study of individual books to understand the meaning of the author’s theme and views Research of the ancient cultures, their customs, and their history Understanding of the receiving culture’s language along with the

Focus on the theology of the person who wrote it

Deep analysis of an author’s entire collection of writings

Does not correlate the Bible with other books

Product of creative personality

Redaction Criticism



Investigate the historical setting,

Too far removed from the history

Firmer grasp of historical issues of the text

Historical Criticism

Product of historical forces



culture, and background

Pursuing a version of the Bible in one’s own tongue and thought world

Provide a clear, readable translation based

Reflects our own opinions about

Product of dynamic interpretation

Translation Studies



on the best manuscripts

meanings of the text for the best translation

the text’s meaning

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