Picturing Theology

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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y

Checklist of Narrative Elements Adapted from Leland Ryken. How to Read the Bible as Literature.

I. What Is the Setting of the Story?

A. Physical surroundings B. Historical environment C. Cultural situation D. Interpersonal relationships and situation

II. Who Are the Characters in the Story?

A. Who are the main/supporting players in the story? B. Who is the “protagonist?” Who is the “antagonist?” C. How does the author describe the character’s development? D. What is the final outcome of the character’s life and choices?

III. What Plot Conflicts Exist within the Story?

A. What are the central conflicts with God? B. What are the central conflicts with others? C. What are the central conflicts within the characters themselves? D. What are the central conflicts between the character and their situation?

IV. What Are the Aspects of Narrative Suspense Revealed in the Story?

A. What influences make us sympathize with the characters? B. What produces disgust and aversion between us and the characters? C. How are we made to approve of what the characters did? D. What events or happenings cause us to disapprove of the characters?

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