Picturing Theology

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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y

Topical Index

A Aaron, 194, 266, 507 Abraham

and the Kingdom of God, 43, 91ff, 204, 261, 293–294, 376, 401, 458–477, 479, 540–541 Leadership of, 45, 46, 66, 78, 80, 120, 347–348, 366–369, 436–451 Theology of, 43, 141–142, 170–175, 204, 350–352, 403–407, 457, 458–477 Worship of, 43, 176–177, 278–289, 464–467 Year, 43, 49–50, 139, 173, 328, 401, 457 Cities Biblical Witness Concerning, 23, 47–48, 135, 141–142, 439, 535 Ministering in, 1–2, 90–119, 240–258, 428, 479, 528 Creation The New, 8ff, 43, 309, 462, 537, 539 Original, 25, 141, 148–150, 204, 308, 378, 514, 534

The Children of, 16, 199, 460 The God of, 41, 500 Promise to, 142, 172, 204, 275, 309 Seed of, 274, 275, 306, 411, 457

Adam, 28, 308, 416, 468, 536 Apostles, The Twelve, 6, 172, 334, 368f, 410, 447ff, 499f, 507ff Apostles’ Creed, 4, 401 Apostleship, The Gift of, 11–13, 391, 447–451 Attributes, Divine, 128–129, 165, 168, 308 Authority of the Apostles, 217, 391, 448ff, 451, 500–501 of Christ, 18, 49, 142, 276, 299, 538ff of God, 78, 80, 91, 95, 295, 307, 349 of Leaders, 45, 66, 68, 74, 78, 80, 174, 263, 366ff, 378 of Scripture, 40ff, 67, 144, 401, 445

Creed ( see Nicene Creed) Critcism ( see Scripture) Critical Engagement, 322, 496 Culture, 15, 56, 64, 75–77, 112, 138, 425, 472

B Baptism

D David

Holy Spirit, 71, 73, 123–126, 387, 429 of Jesus, 166–167, 457 Water, 60, 174, 300–301, 401, 406, 466–469 Bible ( see Scripture) Blessing, 217, 244f, 411ff, 430ff, 480–483, 494f

King, 41, 136, 200, 230ff, 278, 280, 309, 340 The Son of, 61, 194, 217, 222, 233ff, 269, 272ff, 306, 307, 340, 411ff, 457 Deacon, 347, 420 Devil ( see Satan) Disciples Discpleship, 2, 79, 186–187, 193, 303, 355, 473, 479, 529 Jesus’ ( see Apostles, The Twelve) Making, 43, 333, 356, 382, 401, 463, 538, 544 Disciplines, Spiritual, 43, 78, 80, 110, 262, 401 E Elders, 186f, 377, 421, 431, 440 Empowerment of Disciples and Leaders, 78, 80, 90–119, 184–190, 196 of the Holy Spirit, 8ff, 69ff, 123ff, 173, 457, 470 Equipping, 45, 78, 80, 120, 184–190, 398–399, 436–451 Evangelism, 2, 43, 90–97, 105–106, 184–190, 391, 427, 436–439

C Calling of God, 78, 80, 85, 153ff, 366ff, 376, 458–460 Canon ( see Scripture) Christ Authority of, 18, 49, 142, 276, 299, 538ff Centrality of, 3, 24–34, 67, 95, 203, 330, 408, 516–518 Head of the Church, 170ff, 174, 366–369, 373–375, 429–430, 458–476 and the Kingdom of God, 45, 141–142, 217, 273f, 514, 539–540 The Life of, 50, 53, 259–260, 329, 354, 380, 457, 539–540 Readings On, 340–344, 491–495

Salvation in, 195, 480–483, 516–518 The Victory of ( see Victor, Christus)

F Father, God the

Christocentric, 3, 67, 95, 516–518 Church Planting

Models, Phases, 47–48, 184–190, 313 Movements, 1–2, 63, 318ff, 426–435

Christ the image of, 25ff, 34, 309, 401 First Person of the Trinity, 128–129, 162–169, 376, 396–397, 401, 429–430 Love of, 30, 481f, 536, 543 Names of, 295–298 Sovereignty and Glory of, 141–142, 279, 308–309, 457, 462ff, 495

Church, The Biblical Witness Concerning, 23, 145, 458–477, 514, 536 Catholicity of, 172, 479, 501ff Centrality of, 32, 174

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